homegrown mama

::I’m pregnant – what now? pt. 3::

In baby gear, pregnancy on 20112011-10-17T01:04:13+00:0031 9/11 at 01:04

What do I need for a newborn?

-No-scratch mitts: I got over my fear of nail clippers really quickly when baby O (#2) came along. But with H (#1), her nails were like claws and I was terrified I’d snip off the tips of her tiny fingers. In reality, clipping a newborn’s fingernails while they sleep is quite easy. Practise makes perfect.

Kiddopotamus Swaddle or Woombie: if you plan on swaddling. I did because H would wake herself up by getting startled in her sleep and smacking herself in the face. AND/OR

-Sleep sack: for you non-swaddlers whose kids are not born in the summer. Winners has great selections of organic cotton or fleece.

Bath sling: I always found the actual baby tubs frustrating. How do you empty the soapy water to rinse baby while he’s still in it?

Grooming & health care kit: usually includes aforementioned baby nail clippers, digital thermometer, brush, comb, medicine spoon, snot sucker, etc.

Vitamin D drops: any brand is fine, including store brands

Tempra (baby Tylenol) drops, dye-free

Ibuprofen (baby Advil) drops

Camilia: homeopathic remedy for teething and general irritability. Available in Superstore’s health aisle, or Walmart’s pharmacy

Coryzalia: homeopathic remedy for cold symptoms. You can’t give anything else to kids under 2 with a cold

Muslin swaddling blankets (perfect for swaddling while out of the house, because they’re so big, and for wrapping baby/keeping her warm but not hot)

Burp cloths: ok, not a necessity. But I make these form flannelette and Warm N’ Natural quilt batting and they are super absorbent and soft. Perfect for saving visitors’ clothes if they offer to burp baby after a feed

Up next: part 4 – What about the obvious stuff?

  1. Newborn diapers!! They go through them crazy fast. But keep an eye on their weight and go up a size when needed to prevent leaks!

    Gripe water for gas, upset tummies, hiccups and for fussy baby when you don’t know what’s wrong!

    Hydra Sense nasal aspirator. Actually works to get the snot out – MUCH better than the syringe.

  2. […] next: part 3 – What do I need for a newborn? Advertisement Eco World Content From Across The Internet. Featured on EcoPressed OM in the […]

  3. […] left out an item on the previous post: Infant Vicks Vapor Rub (called BabyRub) is a great thing to have when baby is stuffy or has a […]

  4. wow i love your new site friend! so awesome. and thank you for these recommendations… kasher is teething something fierce right now, so i’m going to check out camilia. love you. xo

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